Spruce Up Your Home Office

Thursday, March 10, 2016


deluxe-deskIf you think that to efficiently work at home you need additional huge spare room or a huge master bedroom you are wrong. Brilliant work-friendly spaces can emerge from a spare corner, a few inches of a wall, or other areas you never thought to explore. You can hide your bed during the day and exchange it for a workspace or make some space just next to your kitchen table. Take a look!

There is no better place to work than somewhere with a little bit of sunlight. Set a desk and chair in front of a window and fill an empty corner with a tall bookcase. Keep the furniture in sync with the existing pieces so it blends seamlessly with the entire look.

You can easily turn your bedroom into a home office during the day – getting a Deskbed will be a perfect solution. You can just flip it over and get a perfect working space with a spacious desk and few shelves. You can also transform your sleeping place into an efficient work area with a few key pieces (desk, chair, floating shelves) If space permits, try and keep the zones distinct from one another by setting the work area away from the bed. The trick is making sure all of the decorative elements (color palette, furniture finishes) play well together.

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